Page 70 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 70

60 © Kaur, Gupta, and Syal 2016 | Development and Validation of ICT

appliances in a building. Another section           considerable section (40%) knew the correct
(23.3%) comprehended energy auditing to be          meaning of sustainable development.
purchasing energy-efficient appliances. Some
respondents expressed they had never heard          The total score attainable in each category and
the term.                                           the mean knowledge score attained by sample
                                                    in each category was evaluated. The average
Knowledge Regarding Electricity Bill                percentage is seen to very low in the categories
                                                    energy scenario and initiatives (17.29%),
It was seen that only 26.2% correct responses       electricity bill (13.20%) and mitigation and
were obtained for unit of electricity.              adaptation (12.43%). This indicates that
Respondents were not very aware of the              knowledge in these categories was very low.
electricity rates in the city. Nearly one third     Also, in all other categories, average score
(35%) of the respondents identified Rs. 2.7.        percentage is seen to be lower than 40%. The
However, only a small section (13%) could           total average parentage is computed to 26.34%.
ascertain the correct minimum price of
electricity in Delhi. Similarly, for maximum rate,  The youth’s knowledge regarding energy man-
only 22% could ascertain the correct answer in      agement is tested using a knowledge-testing
the test. In the pretest, only 14% knew about       questionnaire. Table 1 indicates that in the
sanctioned load. The participants expressed         pretest, the largest category (48.72%) of the
they had not heard this term earlier. An attempt    respondents scored low on the knowledge test,
was also made to ascertain the knowledge            and another section of respondents (11.9%)
regarding current electricity slab rates. This      scored average. A small section scored high
parameter obtained very low responses; only         (4.89%) and very high (1.91%) on the knowl-
8% could identify the correct slab rate.            edge test.

Knowledge Regarding Concept of Climate              Table 1
Change and Causes
                                                    Distribution of the sample indicating the knowl-
It was seen that 35% of respondents knew the
meaning of global warming, and 30% had an           edge scores                           N=470
understanding of the concept of the greenhouse
effect. Responses obtained for identifying          Test Scores                Pre- Test  Pre Test (%)
greenhouse gases was also seen to be low (4%-                                  229        48.72
28%). The largest category (60%) of respon-         Very low     0-20          153        32.55
dents answered that transportation led to           Low          21-40         56         11.91
maximum carbon emissions. A small section           Average      41-60         23         4.89
(8.3%) considered energy supply to be the           High         61-80         9          1.91
sector with the most carbon emissions.              Very high    81 and above
Respondents were also asked to list some
anthropogenic causes of climate change. Very        4.3 Skill Level of Participants
few responses were obtained with deforestation
being the largest category (22%) followed by        A skill-testing questionnaire was used to
use of private transport (17%). A small section     understand the skills of the sample regarding
(11%) expressed increased use of gadgets and        energy management. Several skill-building acti-
electronics was also one of the causes.             vities, such as energy auditing, calculating
                                                    energy consumption and electricity bill, identi-
Knowledge Regarding Concept Mitigation              fying BEE labels and calculating energy saved
and Adaptation                                      by installing energy efficient appliances, were
                                                    done during intervention. In the pretest, very
In this category, the respondents were asked to     few respondents (5.1%) could calculate the
identify climate change’s mitigation agency, and    electricity consumption of the room. Only 5 of
only 9% could identify the agency. Knowledge        the respondents (1.1%) could calculate the
regarding India’s commitment to reduction was       electricity bill. In government schools, none of
also seen to be very low (10%). However, a

Science Target Inc.
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75