Page 72 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 72
62 © Kaur, Gupta, and Syal 2016 | Development and Validation of ICT
4.4.2 Delivery of Training Program responsibility for decisions made. Therefore,
adolescents are targeted to reach the maximum
The training program will be framed into 3 density of the population and to bring about
elements: desired change with minimum input.
- Introduction – The respondents are made The study involved conducting curriculum
familiar with the subject matter through analysis to assess the inclusion of information
informal discussions and presentations. on energy management. It was seen that
inclusion of information on energy management
- Content – the subject matter is delivered using was insufficient, and very few initiatives were
various tools, which include: spearheaded by the government, schools or
colleges to promote sustainability and energy
oPresentations and videos efficiency. A knowledge and skill questionnaire
was administered to youth targeting issues of
oSession summary handouts paramount importance including sustainable
development, climate change, energy conser-
oPamphlets vation and energy audit. The ultimate aim was
to comprehend the knowledge and under-
oTraining manual standing of students regarding energy conser-
vation and energy auditing. The paper presents
- Recapitulation – Recapitulation was recog- the awareness and application level of the
nized as an essential part of the training sample, which was found to be inadequate, and
program. It was administered with the is seen as the first roadblock to overcome since
purpose to help respondents to recapitulate change in behavior can only be based on
the content at the end of each session. For this, existing knowledge and understanding in the
recapitulation exercises were developed for group. Based on this criteria, capacity building
each session. and a training program can be developed to
generate awareness, not only among adoles-
Interactive media, such as technology-based cents but also other stakeholders. Energy
learning (mobile application, game), simulation conservation, on both the supply and demand
exercises, multimedia, lectures and group dis- side, is dependent on acceptability by a consu-
cussions and training materials like newsletters, mer and adolescent base that is aware of the
manuals, activities, etc. are being used motivate implications of the choices. This is an asset in
youth to integrate energy conservation and terms of reaching the goal of sustainable
efficiency into their everyday life. development through energy conservation.
There is a need to incorporate energy conser-
5. Conclusion vation into the value system of the country, and
capacity building of adolescents towards energy
The present study dealt with assessing the conservation and related concepts will be a leap
awareness among adolescents regarding energy towards smarter, energy efficient cities. Such
conservation with a goal to design and validate research aids in providing information neces-
the capacity building program, which can be sary to encourage and influence attitudes and
used as a tool to train adolescents across the promote behavioral change as well as to
country. Adolescents are influential stake- develop relevant education and training
holders and future policy-makers as well as programs.
policy followers. India is a young nation, and the
adolescents of the country assume many, varied
roles in terms of making decisions, influencing
those who make decisions and assuming
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