Page 71 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 56-63                                 61

the participants could calculate energy con-      instructional design models. Steven J. McGriff
sumption or electricity bill.                     (2000) states that “instructional design is the
                                                  systematic approach to the analysis, design,
The participants revealed that they were          development, implementation and evaluation of
excited to learn energy audit calculations and    learning materials and activities.” These are the
wanted to experiment with more sample             five phases of the widely used ADDIE model (as
studies to find solutions for energy savings.     cited in Smith, 2009).

Skill test pretest scores were calculated to      - Analysis: During analysis, the learning
understand the skill level of the sample before    problem, the goals and objectives, the
intervention. The table indicates that the         audience’s needs, existing knowledge and any
majority (62.34%) scored very low and another      other relevant characteristics will be
large section (32.13%) scored low. A very small    identified. Analysis also considers the learning
section (1.6%) scored high on the skill test.      environment, any constraints, the delivery
                                                   options and the timeline for the project.
4.4 Training Program
                                                  - Design: Detailed prototypes will be prepared
Intervention will be a capacity building pro-      and field tested. Also, suggestions will be
gram, consisting of awareness raising training     sought from experts on the same.
modules, which will be supplemented with
comprehensive tools. The training program         - Development: The actual creation (pro-
developed is discussed with respect to its         duction) of the content and learning materials
content design strategy and delivery.              will be done in this phase.

4.4.1 Design Strategy                             - Implementation: During implementation, the
                                                   plan is to put into action a procedure for
Based on the pre-assessment results and review     training the learner, and the trainer is
of literature, the capacity programs have helped   developed. Materials are delivered or distri-
the researcher to identify the ADDIE (Analysis,    buted to the student group. After delivery, the
Design, Development, Implementation, and           effectiveness of the training materials will be
Evaluation) training strategy as the most appro-   evaluated.
priate model for present research. Learning
Theories Knowledgebase (2009) describes the       - Evaluation: Appraisal of the capacity building
ADDIE model as a five-phase design that serves     program will be done.
as the basic structure for numerous other

 Phase 1:           Phase 2:                                                            Phase 3:
Assessment  Design and Development                                          Implementation and Evaluation

            Figure 3: ADDIE Model

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