Page 68 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 68

58 © Kaur, Gupta, and Syal 2016 | Development and Validation of ICT

metropolitan city and is the educational capital  It was seen that emphasis on energy crisis,
of the country. It houses a number of private     energy conservation and efficiency and linking
and government universities attended by           energy use to climate change is low in school
students with various backgrounds from all        and college curriculum, as only 23% of
over the country and even nationals of other      responses were obtained for energy crisis,
countries and cultures. The knowledge-testing     26.4% on energy and its science and only 15%
questionnaire was administered to the students    for energy conservation (Figure 1).
to understand their knowledge level. The tool
covered the knowledge testing of respondents      The majority (43.9%) of students expressed
regarding the following concepts: sustainable     that information on environment was
development, climate change, energy conser-       moderately sufficient. A large section (29%)
vation and energy audit. The data procured was    found the information to be insufficient. The
coded, scored and tabulated in accordance with    majority (60%) expressed that they found
a pre-decided pattern. This was done to           information on energy in curriculum to be
calculate scores and comparative data to lead to  insufficient. Also, the majority (67%) indicated
results and conclusions. The data was analyzed    that activities on energy/environment were
using Microsoft Excel software. Mean and          insufficient. A large number (41%) of responses
standard deviation was also used to support the   were obtained for student’s projects as the most
analysis. Pie charts and graphs were used to      preferred activities spearheaded in their school
represent the study findings.                     and college. A large number of (61%) responses
                                                  in private schools indicated that workshops and
4. Results and Discussion                         seminars were held. However, games, quizzes
                                                  and activities obtained very low (11.9%)
4.1 Curriculum Analysis                           responses. The initiatives taken in government
                                                  schools and colleges were very low. The
Curriculum analysis was done to assess the cur-   majority (62%) of responses were obtained for
riculum of the sample. The analysis was done by   games, quizzes and activities for being the most
taking views from 75 teachers in 28 schools and   popular and liked learning method. Workshops
colleges. The curriculum was assessed with        and seminars also obtained a large (53%)
respect to inclusion of energy management,        number of responses. Fewer responses were
tools and aids used to teach energy and related   obtained for eco club activities (21%) and
issues and the most preferred and liked method    student projects (15%).
of teaching method.

                         Total percentage is greater than 100 because more than one option was available
    Figure 1: Distribution of sample with respect to inclusion of topics on energy issues in course

Science Target Inc.
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73