Page 181 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 181

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 72-88                    81

Figure 6: Stations required to generate O3 concentration maps (RMSE<7 and MAPE<25)

Table 3:

Performance measures for NOx simulations

No. of            Optimal station(s)          Interpol.  RMSE    r2     MAPE NSE       ACFT
station(s) to be  combination that can be     method     5.999   0.865                 1.020
eliminated        eliminated                  IDW        7.470   0.808  3.792   0.848  0.961
1                 11                          IDW        9.084   0.619  4.006   0.731  0.984
2                 3, 11                       UK         10.766  0.439  6.591   0.599  1.025
3                 3, 5, 11                    UK         11.521  0.461  12.184  0.430  1.022
4                 3, 5, 7, 11                 IDW        12.119  0.438  15.621  0.459  1.019
5                 3, 5, 7, 11, 14             UK         14.834  0.395  19.839  0.438  0.966
6                 3 , 5, 7, 11, 14, 16        IDW        14.684  0.312  23.148  0.341  0.977
7                 3 , 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16     IDW                       27.468  0.287
8                 1, 3 , 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16

The accuracy factor (ACFT) was 1.015, which is           10 and 7 are located in a dense residential area,
considered to be very good performance. The              and stations 2 and 3 are in an industrial area. The
remaining 10 stations that are required to               agricultural areas are found near station 9, and
produce satisfactory maps of ozone are shown in          construction activities are reported near station
Figure 6. These stations could essentially be            14. Stations 1 and 16 are the city outskirts where
considered hotspots of O3 emissions.                     small scale industries are located.

The primary sources of ground level O3 are auto-         3.2 NOx
mobiles, cement and power plants, construction
activities and biogenic or natural sources. Small        The simulation results for NOx concentrations
industries such as paint shops, dry cleaners and         are shown in Table 3. For the one station elimi-
bakeries are also known to contribute O3. These          nation scenario, it was found that station 11 was
10 stations fall within these areas. The stations        the best one with a RMSE=5.999; MAPE=3.792

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